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Chia Fresca Recipe Born to Run: A Hydrating Drink that Drives Energy and Endurance

chia fresca recipe born to run

Chia Fresca Recipe Born to Run: A Hydrating Drink that Drives Energy and Endurance

Anybody thirsty for a natural, hydrating drink that will pep up your energy and endurance? Look no further than this chia fresca recipe born to run! As popularized by Born to Run, a bestseller by Christopher McDougall, the Tarahumara—an indigenous people from the Americas—have been fueled by this ancient energy drink, which has made them masters of long-distance running. Infusing water with chia seeds, Chia Fresca is a new cleansing drink that is refreshing and replenishing. We are going to tell you about the benefits of Chia Fresca and show you how to make this invigorating drink at home.

Chia Fresca, alias “Iskiate,” is a conventional beverage prepared with water, chia seeds, lemon or lime juice, and a touch of sweetener. This hydrating drink, mixed for thousands of years, was drunk by the Tarahumara, an indigenous tribe in the Copper Canyons of Mexico known for their outstanding running ability. Chia Fresca is known to provide maximum energy, ideal hydration, and helps support endurance — a perfect drink for athletes or runners and generally for anyone needing natural energy for the day.

Benefits of Chia Fresca

The chia fresca recipe born to run is loaded, literally, with plenty of good-for-the-body nutrients:

  1. Hydration: Chia seeds can absorb as much as ten times their weight in water, keeping you and, most importantly, your body, hydrated for longer durations. This property makes Chia Fresca especially great for athletes or people who perform prolonged physical activity.
  2. Energy and Endurance: Chia contains omega-3, protein, and fiber for an extended period of energy. The drink, therefore, enabling sustainable energy, is highly important for increasing endurance, particularly among long-distance runners and endurance athletes.
  3. Nutrient-Rich: Basically, chia is a power food with calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also naturally contains antioxidant properties that are suitable for general health and well-being.
  4. Weight Management: Chia seeds are high in fiber, which, by volume, tends to make a person feel full. This property of chia seeds assists in controlling appetites and managing body weight.

What You Need to Make a Chia Fresca Recipe Born to Run

To prepare chia fresca recipe born to run, ensure to have the following ingredients ready:

  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2 cups water
  • Juice of 1 lemon or lime
  • 1 tablespoon honey or agave syrup, to taste (optional)
  • A pinch of salt (optional)

Step-by-Step Chia Fresca Recipe Born to Run

Step 1: Prepare the Chia Seeds

  1. Measure the Chia Seeds: The first step, is to measure one tablespoon of the chia seeds. They can be found easily in most grocery stores and health food market places.
  2. Soak the Chia Seeds: Now, in a small bowl, add the chia seeds and pour in half a cup of water over the seeds. Mix well so that they settle down properly in the water.
  3. Let It Gel: Allow the chia seeds to plump up for about 10–15 minutes. The seeds will absorb the water and let out a gel-like consistency by this time. Stir in between occasionally to prevent lump formation.

Step 2: Prepare Citrus Base

  1. Juice the Lemon or Lime: Squeeze juice from one lemon or lime into a glass or pitcher. Citrus will add zing to the flavor and totally includes vitamin C that is very useful for boosting the immune system.
  2. Add Sweetener: You can add a spoonful of honey or agave syrup to the citrus juice. This is entirely optional, and the amount can vary as per individual preference.
  3. Mix Well: Mix sweetener into citrus juice until it scrapes the bottom.

Step 3: Combine and Serve

  1. Add Water: Pour two cups water into glass, swirling the base of the glass or pitcher with citrus. Sweeten and stir well so you do not get any clumps.
  2. Mix in Chia Seeds: Pour the soaked chia seeds (along with any leftover gel) into the water/citrus and mix. If using strawberries add to the pitcher at this time as well. Mix to integrate and make sure seeds do not settle to the bottom of mixture.
  3. Optional Salt: Add a pinch of salt to ensure continued electrolyte balance between body fluids, especially Chia Fresca consumed after intense exercise. Salt is the second primary loss in sweat, after water.
  4. Serve Chilled: Best when served after chilling for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. This helps in the combination of flavors and the temperature of the drink to get cool.

Tips for the Perfect Chia Fresca Recipe Born to Run

Add more or less sweetener to the preparation and use natural whole sweeteners, like stevia or natural maple, for a good flavor profile.

  • Flavor Variations: Try grapefruits and oranges for a different take.
  • Batch Preparation: You can always make more of this Chia Fresca and keep it in the refrigerator for up to three days. That way, it will be more or less accessible every time you need a fresh-up.

Make Chia Fresca a Part of Your Routine

Chia Fresca is so versatile of a drink, as is to be noted:

  • Pre-Workout Boost: Down a Chia Fresca before the start of a workout to fuel the body with sustained energy and hydration.
  • Post-Workout Recovery: A perfect after-exercise drink when the body needs to recover and replenish lost electrolytes.
  • Everyday Hydration: Drink Chia Fresca as part of your daily hydration. It provides an energizing change from water that helps keep you going throughout your day.


The essence of the Chia Fresca recipe born to run is a simple but unfortunately powerfully nutritious drink with innumerable health benefits. Whether one needs an energizer and is an athlete, runner, or simly is in the mood for an energizing drink, this hydrating drink is really what should do the trick. With two of the key benefits that chia offers integrated—one being the great taste of citrus and the other of nutritional value—the chia fresca really does the job of providing great taste balanced with refreshment functionality.

Try this great, refreshing homemade drink, and feel the energy and endurance that the Chia Fresca imparts. On the trail, in the gym, at a picnic, or for any other need, Chia Fresca will serve you just right.

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